Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cousin from Pahang.

Thought will be rotting at home for a whole day as usual. Unexpectedly, I got a called from her. Yeah, that's my cousin, from Pahang. We have not been met for a long time. Outings with her and her boyfriend @ Sunway Pyramid. Suppose to meet Jean there too, but she's busying with something, fitting wedding dress. She always tell me that she gonna marry soon. And in fact, she's just a bridesmaid -.-". Jean, you can't marry another guys, you're mine! xD. Alright, back to the topic, got there around 4pm. Do some window shopping before taken our lunch. Went for sushi king, teehee =] I like it move it move it! Woohoo~ :D.


IMISSYOU, baby. :*)

Friday, May 29, 2009

29th @ 30th.

Hey peeps! exam is OVER!!! muahahahahahahaha. I'm need not to face those exam anymore~ Woohoo! So after school, I was going to Station 1 that nearby my school with my schoolmates :D. But after I home, I realized something that made me feel like wanna to bang the wall, I has a super big pimple on m face! Arghhhhhhhhh!!! IHATEYOU! >.< Had a tuition class at night, I love the class! cause of Mr.Kumar ;) He's so darn funny, we like to talk to him. Alright, we had learnt the poem last night, Monsoon history. When we talked about silver paper, then he said "nowadays huh, they are not only burn the silver paper, but bungalow, BMW, cell phone, maid, and wife as well!" "Perhaps when they received the cell phone, you will get a call from them that telling you those things you burnt had been received :D" HAHAHA. Then I said, "then have 3G? or webcam? If yes, then we can even seen what's going on in the hell!" HAHA. but seriously, I don't hope it will be realize someday. lol.

It's f*king 8.32pm now, as I was came back from my breakfast. Last night, I was awaked by the uncle auntie*my parents* {-.=T} I don't really heard what they were talking about, but I know they were arguing, and heard my sis was stopped them from arguing. Since I'm so tired, so I was continued my dating with Mr.Chou Kong. HAHA. But the most loathe thing is, I got up at 7a.m today. omggg. I tried to sleep back but I failed! So yeah, turned on the pc and start to online. Suddenly my mom came in to my room, and asked me go to breakfast with them. So yes, I'm going, with a reluctance mood==. Cause I'm so lazy to go out early in the morning weiyhh. As you know, my parents was argued. So when we were having our breakfast, three of us was just silent all the while, and the others was like talking non-stop. ish. So I try to find something to talk, CHILL. sigh. Well, these day like nothing to talk to baby. He was busying for his work. I should try to tolerant him. Cause he's working, but the salary is for me. HAHA. okie, may be will update soon? CIAO. (:


Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm fucking bored right now! Those song I am listening was like repeat, repeat and repeat. ish. Done my sivik paper today, this was the only one paper that I feel so easy, like..FINALLY! At least I am not as bad as all that. hahaha :D Bought some cake just now, remember that I said I wanna to go on diet? yeah, I did it last few day, and I was lost control when I saw my favourite cheese cake!! I can't ever leave it alone in the cake shop as on selected, I should bring it home. That's mine! HAHA. Tomorrow is the last two paper I gonna to take , that's mean I've need not to face those disgustedly exam paper! WOOHOO~! I know you guys was finished it on Wed. Don't tell me that, I don't wanna know it ==. Cause it will make me more impatient to take my exam in these two days, lol. Well, Mr.Leong told me that he can't call me tonight. Awww IHATEHIM, and IMISSHIM :(. I had used to chat with him every night before I got to bed. I can't sleep without your sounds, baby :( Btw, hols is coming soon, CAN'T WAIT!!! I wanna meet you all! WHO? o.O? hmmm, friends, all my friends! haha.

those mini tart was so CUTE (:

look at this. HAHA. It's took by my darling Jean. So sweet of her (:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Had done my Add-maths and Maths papers today. How innocent was me? I thought add-math's paper 1 will be objective. That's why I never brush up on it, thought can ding-dong-tiang what. So when I got the paper, I was stared in open-mouthed wonder. OMG. You know what, that day when I'm taking my History paper, my add-maths teacher was came to me and ask me whether has boyfriend or not. Since I'm a honest girl, so I said yes. Then she said "No wonder you so inattentiveness while studying". ish. Alright, I confess ==. So tomorrow will be Add-maths paper 2 and Chemistry. Yeah, IHATEYOU *staring*. I don't know I should do revision for add maths or Chemistry, cause I'm just hate either subjects! Just now I was opened my Chemistry note, suppose to go over it. But then when I start to read the first page, my eyelid had start to drooping and my head too. So I decide to stop it, HAHA. I can't ever force myself to study when I'm not in the mood. Even I learn all of it by heart, I will forget tomorrow though. So yeah, I think I'll fail all the subjects this time. Hope the hols will be tomorrow, even though I've no plan in the two weeks, but at least I needn't to face those exam papers anymore. Well, stop here. Ciao!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Awww what a bloody Sunday! I was just rotting in the room that full of boredom. So, what am I suppose to do? Sleep? Do some revision for add-maths? Sms with baby? NONONONONO! You know what? My house is such a place for those uncle auntie to do their Mah-jongg spree on the weekend. And the auntie like to bring her children to my house. All of them were occupying my computer, my bedroom, my living even my toilet though. Urghhhh! May be I can try to text baby to abolish my tedium? So yeah, I had tried to text him, but he was like replied so FAST. I was wondering what is he up to in real. Good guess, he was going out again, and left me alone with the tedium. Omggg. while I am grumbling, I got Jean's called. Woohoo~!! It's been a while I heard her sweet sound, yeah I miss her like crazeee!! :D I never text her for a long time cause I don't want to disturb her, it's an exam week okay? See~ I'm so GOOD (: Well well and super well, we suppose to hang out together in the coming hols. Excited? yeah! HAHA. I miss her so darn freaking much! ILOVEHER;) .Of course, it's the time to meet my zai zai, too. I miss the time we singing in the red box without a break. Wang Lee hom & Jolin Tsai. haha! May I hear it again? I miss your lee hom sound (: And yeah, Trista will not be leave out. We've not been met for a long time. hmmm I meant hangout together. Alright, I'm looking forward to the coming holidays. Gonna to take my Maths and add-maths paper tomorrow. Wish me good luck, babes! and of course you all, too. (: All the best in the exam! =]


Saturday, May 23, 2009

hot news @ 23/5/2009

Birthday Jun er @ One Utama.

Hey peeps! Guess what? Yesterday was Ms. Lai Kuan yee's birthday. Happy birthday ya, babe! :D So yeah, went to 1u after school with her and her boyfriend, and of course my baby was going too (: Watched the movie, Night at the museum 2. It's kinda amusing =].

go back to baby's home after movie. Got a bad news, Moon moon got sick. Don't really like to talk at night, like.. mute. haha. Alright, on the next morning, like changed a person. Talkative like hell. lol.

We were going to eat the Domino Pizza. Woohooo~ My fav cheese!
say cheeseeeeeeee!! :D
Baby rushed toward me and said "Baby, you must drink this," I'm wondering why he said that. Then he was pointed to the expire date. Awww it's my birthday. LOL. how silly was he (:

Alright, Ms. Leong Wei Seng bought a laptop. See~ how RICH is he! every time told me that you're in the red. Now I get wise to why are you saying these. ==

Urghhhhh!! Baby is gonna to work in the coming hols. That's meant I can't meet him in the whole hols :( But he's working to earn some money for my shopping spree. So, It's okay. Muahahaha. Enna, I love you baby, but not only your money. Okay? Trust me! (:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

*took by Monday, had a performance at school. *
see~ I'm soooo CHUBBY!
{Chubby = Fat -.-"}
Yeah, had my Physics and BM papers today. It's f*king difficult you know? My head was go blank all at once when I saw the Physics paper, especially the section B & C. So.. how about BM? huh! more terrible. That's what I can tell. Section A have to write about 200-250 words actually, and section B was over 350 words. Guess what? Section A I wrote about 360words and section B was 300++ words. what the hell is it!! And my BM teacher had told me today, "Ang Pui Ling, You sedia huh~" Sedia? for what? yeah, my paper 2 had some question was emptied. Meant I am dying soon. Urghhh! teacher~ Why is me?! ish. Alright, got a message from Max just now, my ex-manager. He asked me "Are you Cherrie?" , I said yeap. Then I got a called from him, hmmm no, that's a girl, might be his girlfriend. She asked me whether called her just now, lol. Of course I'm not! I don't know what's going on. May be he want me work for him again on the coming holidays? baahaha. Impossible, man! After I worked at there, their business was getting poor. I confess I am a lazy staff, I used to chat with friends, eating or making trouble while working. haha! aiyooo~ can't control la. teehee =P. But seriously, he is a darn humourous guy! He always talk something that made me non-stop laughing :D. Well well well, going to do some revision for History soon. Ciao~


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy 7 months anniversary.

There's a man in my life, he meant everthing to me. Last year, I had a boyfriend, we love each other so much. He's so romantic, and yeah, he's a honey-mouthed boyfriend. We are so happiness but ended up we're broke. He left me, for no reason. I used 5 months to forget him and I met my current boyfriend afterward. The 1st day we met was 31th August 2008. Already 7 months we've been togther. However, I'm still in the same way. I needn't a handsome boyfriend. I'm just need a man, that can take care of me all the time, love me, and loyal to me. He's giving me what I want. I'm so sorry to him, cause I'm a cranky girl. I'm always shout at him when I'm not in a good mood, but I'm not allow him to do that. Sometimes when he's upsetting, I was just be silent. I really don't know what can I do. foolishness me. As time goes on, I realised you're a dependable boyfriend (: I don't hope we will break up for any other someday. I love you, and I'll proof it to you. *huggiiesss*

xoxo :*)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sun & Mon.

I'm not a good girl. Cause Ms.Tan Ching Moon had a accident last Sat, and I was laughing like muahahaha! Enna~ come on, just kidding man! ;) I'm so sorry to hear that also actually, see~ how kind is me? :D. Well, she have to go for Jun er house on the next day as well. Cause we suppose to make a cake for teacher's day.
So yeah, went to Jun er's house yesterday. Those muffin is for Art club one. Not mine. == I'm so regret that why I never order it, that's really so darn nice la. Especially the blueberry flavour one. ish.
Show you all those stuff (:
and the step.
Okay, It's time to start decorate the muffin.
see~ It do look like a head right?
Yeah, we're so CLEAN. xD
I confess that I'm a lazy piggy. While they're washing those stuff, I'm eating my strawberry. muahaha.
guess what? It's honey! But It do look and smell like oyster oil, and it's so expensive. wth.
Alright, today is teacher's day. Guess what? I was going to school! Of course la, I'm so rajinnn. muahahaa. Alright. Let's those photos to do the talking! :D
Don't laughhh!
I was bited by some stupid insect and my hand was soooo itchy! ish.
I found out a funny pic.
Hey teacher! what are you doing?? omg. xD
heee. I put the powder in Jun er's pocket. And then...
heheee. Sorry ya~ :$

bubu booo~ show you guys something. Actually the boy just try to teached her something about PBSM, then the sifat moon took alot of photo by my cam. So when I'm home, I've a idea to do thisss.

Ciao~ :D.

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