Monday, June 27, 2011

11th June 2011 @ Asia cafe

Its just short post..and its actually same day as the Zoo one. I didn't realised that's why I'll seperate it. lol.

So yeah, Mr.Liu was at my house after we came back from Zoo. After taken dinner at home, baby said he felt like going to yum cha. So we asked out Guang, Joo yee and Jia jin @ Asia Cafe :D

Mr.Liu wore my hairband out to yum cha. OMG. How brave him! haha. And he became so active and excited after wearing it. idk why. hahaha.


Yeah, its food again! haha ;D







They actually have next round. But I was sooo exhausted that day so am not joining and so the plan has called off. haha. Sorry guys. Will make up for it next time ;)

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