Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Apple @ Sky park.

Well, helped to clean the library for the whole morning. You know what? I don't even clean my own room but now I was cleaning the library. See, how good am i? aha. We saw two cockroaches in the store room and all of us screamed until the whole building could hear our sound! lol. What to do? I hates insects alottttt. *disgusted* Eeeee.

Alright, went to Sky park with the girls today. We are looking for a job, but its too bad there have no vacancy. So.. sigh. I don't feel like working at Sunway, cause the taxi fees do really killing me off!

So yeah, been to Big apple to chill for a while.
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So lazy to take one by one. lol.

We couldn't finish it. =X


Don't feel like going to school tomorrow. Because we need to clean up the library, again. And we have nothing to do at school as well.

Aikz. I want to buy a new cellphone!


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